For Loops

Repeating Karel Actions

We've learned that functions are a great way to reuse code. But what if we want Karel to put down 100 tennis balls? Let's take a look at the for loop!

Introducing the For Loop

When we want to repeat any of Karel's actions for a fixed number of times, then we can use a for loop. This will allow us to have a bit of code run any number of times that we need.

The structure of a for loop looks like this:

for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  /* code to execute count times */

For now, all you need is to set the value of the variable, count. What this code says is, "Repeat the code between the curly braces, count number of times."

Calling the move(); command is the same, but using a For loop is much easier:


is equal to:

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

So if you want to repeat commands for a fixed number of times, a for loop will be your new best friend.

For Loop Example

So now that we've learned the basics of a for loop, how do we put down five tennis balls?

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){

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