Intro to Grids

Imagine that you are playing a game of tic-tac-toe.








Tic-tac-toe is simple to draw out on a sheet of paper, but how would you represent this game using code? While it is possible to represent this game using an array, it is simpler to use a data structure we call a grid. We may also call them 2D arrays, multidimensional arrays, tables, or matrices.

Grids are great for representing data that are laid out in two dimensions, like a tic-tac-toe game, or a game of chess.

Creating a new grid

Let's say that we want to make a new grid named "dogs" that has 2 rows and 3 columns. We can do this like so:

var dogs = new Grid(2, 3); //(rows, columns)

Structure of a grid

Before we can start using our grid, we need to understand the structure of the grid. Using our above example of a grid with 2 rows and 3 columns, the indexes of each element are laid out like below.

Note: Remember that indexes start from 0, not 1.

(0, 0)

(0, 1)

(0, 2)

(1, 0)

(1, 1)

(1, 2)

Using Grids

Setting elements in a grid

Since we haven't set any elements in our grid, all the elements in our grid are set to "undefined".

There are three ways that we can set elements in our grid:

  • Setting them all to be the same

    Say we wanted to set all the elements of our "dogs" grid to be equal to "Golden Retriever". We can do this by using the init() function.

    dogs.init("Golden Retriever");

    After we run the above code snippet, every cell of our grid will contain "Golden Retriever".

    Golden Retriever

    Golden Retriever

    Golden Retriever

    Golden Retriever

    Golden Retriever

    Golden Retriever

  • Setting elements one at a time

    Now what if we want to set elements one at a time? In order to set an element in a grid, we want to use the set() function. The set() function uses three arguments, row, column, and the value that you want to set the element to. For instance, if you want to set the element at row 1, column 1 of our dogs array to "Labrador":

    dogs.set(1, 1, "Labrador");

    After running the above line of code, our grid of dogs will now look like:

    Golden Retriever

    Golden Retriever

    Golden Retriever

    Golden Retriever


    Golden Retriever

  • Setting elements using arrays

    Lastly, we can set all the elements of our grid using arrays.

     ["Golden Retriever", "Labrador", "Poodle"],      // 0th row
     ["German Shepard", "Alaskan Husky", "Beagle"],   // 1st row

    After we run this code, our grid of dogs should look like:

    Golden Retriever



    German Shepard

    Alaskan Husky


Accessing elements in a grid

Accessing elements in a grid is similar to setting elements in a grid. Here, we use the get() function to access elements. The get() function takes in the row and the column as arguments in that order. For example, if we wanted to print out the dog that is in the second row, third column, we can use the code:

var myDog = dogs.get(1, 2); //Recall that rows and columns are counted starting from 0.

The above code snippet will print out "Beagle" to the console.

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